Celebration of Education: Event Program Book
Purchase space in our event booklet to advertise your business or publish a personal message to your family or loved ones. We offer various sizes, from the patron line all the way up to a full page ad.
The deadline for submitting Ads is Friday, May 30, 2025
Please contact Barbara Hall if you have any further questions: foundationsecretary@ahepaatlscholarships.org
Purchase space in our event booklet to advertise your business or publish a personal message to your family or loved ones. We offer various sizes, from the patron line all the way up to a full page ad.
The deadline for submitting Ads is Friday, May 30, 2025
Please contact Barbara Hall if you have any further questions: foundationsecretary@ahepaatlscholarships.org
Purchase space in our event booklet to advertise your business or publish a personal message to your family or loved ones. We offer various sizes, from the patron line all the way up to a full page ad.
The deadline for submitting Ads is Friday, May 30, 2025
Please contact Barbara Hall if you have any further questions: foundationsecretary@ahepaatlscholarships.org
You can submit your Advertisement request two ways, Option #1 (Mail Submission) or Option #2 (Online Submission)
Option #1, Mail Submission:
Please print and complete this document, attach it to this email to Barbara Hall, foundationsecretary@ahepaatlscholarship.org. Any art that is included must be “camera ready”.
For physical mail, please mail this document and your “camera ready” art to Barbara Hall, 424 Veranda Chase Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30044
Please make checks payable to: AHEPA Educational Fund
Option #2, Online Submission:
To submit your advertisement online, please complete the form below. Once you click “CLICK HERE”, you will be re-directed to a new webpage where you will have the option to upload your file (company logo, family picture, etc.). The ad message can be filled into the text box below, or it can be included in the file that is uploaded below.